Technique courses

You will learn step by step Tour chosen technique with my designs and patterns.

The course duration depends on the number of lessons and the time available to you. Each lesson requires about 10 to 20 hours to prepare.

The number of units is different. Small courses for example Chrysanthe Lace and point lace only have 5 units. There are put to 20 units in the course of Milanese lace.

For each unit You get one month to work out the patterns. After 5 units you get one month extra time.
In case of illness or for other reasons, you can request breaks without increasing the course fee. In the course documents you will find the lace pattern per lesson and detailed technical drawings as well as photos that clarify the subject matter.
In den Lehrgangsunterlagen finden Sie pro Lektion den Klöppelbrief und detaillierte technische Zeichnungen sowie Fotos, die den Sachverhalt verdeutlichen.

my different technique ranges

Sewing of laces

6 units - only in German

sewing laces onto fabric

6 units - only in German

Point de Paris

15 units (still in work) - only in German

Rococo lace

2 units - only in German


18 units

Valenciennes - only in German

12 units still in word

Example: Flanders lace

14 units in English in pdf-format online delivery

fees: 14 x 15,00 Euro = 210,- Euro  224,00 Euro

additional 10,- Euros application fee

total fees: 220,00 Euro 234,00 Euro

optional: certificate with a picture of your own final work , price: 15,- Euros

shipping rates only will arise for sending documents by snail mail. Then the course fees are 18,- Euros per unit.

Your advantages in a distance learning course

no travel fees

because of learning at home online

temporal independence

Lerne wann immer du möchtest

Individual support

Kurzbeschreibung für den Vorteil

Wide range

an Angeboten jederzeit startbereit

Choice of different categories of themes

Trauben und Netze in Duchesse Technik


In all technique courses priority is to learn the special technique with patterns I prepared for you. You lear to manage step by step genauer Anleitung Schritt für Schritt.

Duchesse: Design and execution: Doris Töller

from A to Z

Sie lernen bausteinartig die Technik zuerst nach Vorlagen kennen und setzen allmählich die Technik in eigenen Entwürfen um. Die A bis Z – Lehrgänge sind für Diejenigen zu empfehlen, who loves to teach and learn to prepare their own design and documents. and for those, who wants selber entwerfen möchten.

Design and execution: Heike Breidenbroich


This is an advanced course. The prerequisite is that you have already mastered the technique. Your knowledge will be expanded so that you can learn to design yourself in this technique. You will work from your own designs from the start and learn the design criteria that are essential for implementation. die Technik bereits beherrschen. Ihre Kenntnisse werden erweitert, so dass Sie in dieser Technik eigenes Entwerfen erlernen. Sie arbeiten von Anfang an nach eigenen Entwürfen und lernen dabei Gestaltungskriterien kennen, die zur Umsetzung unerlässlich sind.

Frequently asked questions

You should know the basic stitches of lace making. For this I can recommend the introductory DVD from the bobbin lace net available in the shop for 19.95 euros (only in German) and the follow-up DVD for either the roll or the flat cushion. In it there are also basics in a booklet and you learn what is important. Or you can show me some of your already completed work and I will then decide whether you have all the necessary requirements. Introduction- DVD in German recommend for 19.95 euros in the shop and the follow-up DVD either for the roll or for the flat cushion. In it there are also basics in a booklet and you learn what is important. Or you can show me some of your already completed work and I will then decide if you have all the necessary requirements. In German only

If you are unable to attend the course for health or other reasons, your course duration will only be extended. Personal arrangements with the course director are necessary in this case. See:General Terms and Conditions (GTC) General terms and conditions

For this trining a good cooperation of teacher and student is important.

In general in each time but in prior consultation with the course leader, because of a limited number of students.

I recommend the Torchon technique-course for coming in. You learn a lot of different patterns and basics for straits and finishes.

All courses contain individual lessons that explain the technique step by step and exercises let you gradually build up understanding of the techniques. These lessons are sent in sequence by email or by post if requested.

First, you have to read the entire content of a lesson. Before making lace, the questionnaire in the documents should be filled out. I can see from the answers where there may be a need for explanation and then talk this through with you. If you are sure enough about what to do, then you may start.

I offer you support. Either via WhatsApp or e-mail. You send me pictures of the situation on your pillow if you have any questions and I will give you feedback if it is correct or where there are errors and how to fix them. You will feel like sitting next to you.

Do you have further questions?

I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Just use my contact form.

Registration for courses

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