Technique courses
You will learn step by step Tour chosen technique with my designs and patterns.
The course duration depends on the number of lessons and the time available to you. Each lesson requires about 10 to 20 hours to prepare.
The number of units is different. Small courses for example Chrysanthe Lace and point lace only have 5 units. There are put to 20 units in the course of Milanese lace.
For each unit You get one month to work out the patterns. After 5 units you get one month extra time.
In case of illness or for other reasons, you can request breaks without increasing the course fee.
In the course documents you will find the lace pattern per lesson and detailed technical drawings as well as photos that clarify the subject matter.
In den Lehrgangsunterlagen finden Sie pro Lektion den Klöppelbrief und detaillierte technische Zeichnungen sowie Fotos, die den Sachverhalt verdeutlichen.