Long distance courses in Lace-Web


Lace-Web is a unique private institution for teaching lace-making online.

Beginners and advanced get the possibility, to learn a lot of different bobbin lace-techniques here in different classes and levels.

Martina Wolter-Kampmann represents the head of Lace-Web. She studied textile design and pedagogy and is also a trained lace teacher. See more in biografie

The principle of distance learning


The teaching material is prepared in such a way that you can be instructed and supervised step by step in the respective techniques. The lessons are conducted as a distance learning course like a correspondence course.

The costs for all distance learning courses are paid according to the number of lessons that you work through within a period recommended by me. For these courses you should allow 10 to 20 hours per lesson.

You receive clear information and assignments, and I check your elaborations with the help of photos.


  • knowledge about technical diagrams
  • the willingness to cooperate on a continuous basis for the duration of the course
  • payment of the course fees in advance
  • Email access, a scanner or camera. Smartphone and a printer are desirable. Whatsapp on the smartphone allows us many chat possibilities
    Smartphone und ein Drucker sind wünschenswert.
    Whatsapp auf dem Smartphone erlaubt uns viele Chatmöglichkeiten

Our way of communication

Support is provided by email, telephone and Whatsapp or post. If you send me pictures of your work, I can look over your shoulder while you are making lace. If you have any problems, I can help you by phone, in writing or with a drawing. Sometimes I offer a meeting on the screen to explain some contents.

Nehmen Sie vor einer Anmeldung Kontakt mit mir auf
Before registering, please contact me via: [email protected]. Further requirements are dependent on the respective offers. [email protected]. Weitere Voraussetzungen
sind abhängig von den jeweiligen Angeboten.

Meine Lehrgangsangebote – Kategorien

Trauben und Netze in Duchesse Technik


In all technique courses priority is to learn the special technique with patterns I prepared for you. You lear to manage step by step genauer Anleitung Schritt für Schritt.

Still unsure? You can book 5 lessons for a taster session and then decide whether you want to continue the course.

Duchesse: Design and execution: Doris Töller

from A to Z

You will learn the technique in a modular way, first from my patterns and then gradually implement the technique in your own designs. The A to Z courses are recommended for those who would like to give courses themselves and compile the materials and for those who would like to design themselves. who loves to teach and learn to prepare their own design and documents. and for those, who wants selber entwerfen möchten.


Design and execution: Heike Breidenbroich


This is an advanced course. The prerequisite is that you have already mastered the technique. Your knowledge will be expanded so that you can learn to design yourself in this technique. You will work from your own designs from the start and learn the design criteria that are essential for implementation. die Technik bereits beherrschen. Ihre Kenntnisse werden erweitert, so dass Sie in dieser Technik eigenes Entwerfen erlernen. Sie arbeiten von Anfang an nach eigenen Entwürfen und lernen dabei Gestaltungskriterien kennen, die zur Umsetzung unerlässlich sind.

Your advantages in a distance learning course


no travel fees

because of learning at home online


temporal independence

You learn when you have the time to do


Individual support

Reachable via WhatsApp and Signal and also gladly after agreed appointments


Wide range

for beginners and advanced

The offers range from small technique courses with 5 lessons to extensive courses in which you learn not only the technique but also design and pedagogical aspects



Register using the contact form or by email. Wait for confirmation and then pay the course fee. Before the course begins, information and a list of materials will be sent to you for each course.

All courses are divided into individual lessons. The exact number of lessons can be found with the individual offers. These units are printed or pdf-digital documents. They are systematically structured according to the principle "from easy to difficult". New patterns and techniques are learnt and the content is repeated so that by the end of the course you have mastered and can apply all the learning content. Included in all distance learning courses is a questionnaire per lesson, which you should send to me in your own interest. The questionnaire will give me feedback on whether you have understood the material or whether there is still a need for clarification. If you have understood everything, you may start with the practical elaboration. I will check your explanations with pictures, which you can send via WhatsApp, Signal app or email.


further information

The course schedule 

Alle Kurse sind in Einzelstunden aufgeteilt. Die genaue Anzahl der Lektionen ist bei den einzelnen Angeboten zu finden. Diese Einheiten sind gedruckte oder pdf-digitale Dokumente. Sie sind systematisch nach dem Prinzip "vom Leichten zum Schweren" aufgebaut. Es werden neue Muster und Techniken erlernt und die Inhalte wiederholt, so dass Sie am Ende des Kurses alle Lerninhalte beherrschen und anwenden können. Zu allen Fernkursen gehört ein Fragebogen pro Lektion, den Sie mir in Ihrem eigenen Interesse zusenden sollten. Der Fragebogen gibt mir eine Rückmeldung, ob Sie den Stoff verstanden haben oder ob noch Klärungsbedarf besteht. Wenn Sie alles verstanden haben, können Sie mit der praktischen Ausarbeitung beginnen. Ich kontrolliere Ihre Erklärungen mit Bildern, die Sie mir per WhatsApp, Signal-App oder E-Mail schicken können.


For a course containing 18 units, you therefore have a total of 21 months. Only if all units have been worked through are you entitled to the final thesis free of charge. If you need more time, then an administrative fee of 50 euros will be charged, unless you have asked for an extension in advance.                                      

The documents for the final thesis are free of charge for course participants, but you can also purchase them independently of the course for 25 euros.

Holiday periods in Lace-Web

This is a period during which you can continue to work on your assignments in person. No new papers will be sent to you during this time. Fixed holiday periods are in summer: 15 June to 15 July and in winter: 15 December to 15 January


Frequently asked questions

You should know the basic stitches of lace making. For this I can recommend the introductory DVD from the bobbin lace net available in the shop for 19.95 euros (only in German) and the follow-up DVD for either the roll or the flat cushion. In it there are also basics in a booklet and you learn what is important. Or you can show me some of your already completed work and I will then decide whether you have all the necessary requirements. Introduction- DVD in German recommend for 19.95 euros in the shop and the follow-up DVD either for the roll or for the flat cushion. In it there are also basics in a booklet and you learn what is important. Or you can show me some of your already completed work and I will then decide if you have all the necessary requirements. In German only

If you are unable to attend the course for health or other reasons, your course duration will only be extended. Personal arrangements with the course director are necessary in this case. See:General Terms and Conditions (GTC) General terms and conditions

For this trining a good cooperation of teacher and student is important.

In general in each time but in prior consultation with the course leader, because of a limited number of students.

I recommend the Torchon technique-course for coming in. You learn a lot of different patterns and basics for straits and finishes.

All courses contain individual lessons that explain the technique step by step and exercises let you gradually build up understanding of the techniques. These lessons are sent in sequence by email or by post if requested.

First, you have to read the entire content of a lesson. Before making lace, the questionnaire in the documents should be filled out. I can see from the answers where there may be a need for explanation and then talk this through with you. If you are sure enough about what to do, then you may start.

I offer you support. Either via WhatsApp or e-mail. You send me pictures of the situation on your pillow if you have any questions and I will give you feedback if it is correct or where there are errors and how to fix them. You will feel like sitting next to you.

Do you have further questions?

I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Just use my contact form.

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