I have been offering online courses with meetings and videos since 2021. This has proven to be extremely fruitful. I offer my virtual courses in German and English. Learning in a meeting is somewhat different from learning in the usual classroom atmosphere.
- We meet in a virtual meeting room
- The theme is presented with pictures and videos
- Explanations and help are given via Whatsapp, emails and mobile phone
- Debriefing and exchange of experience, suggestions, explanations and tips take place in the joint meeting
- By enlarging the pictures, unexpected details can now be recognised and discussed.
you enroll via e-mail: [email protected] [email protected]
- You will receive a supply-list
- If more than 6 participants are interested, the course can be held and everyone will receive a payment form and a participation link.
- The documents are sent in advance as a PDF file, which also contains the bobbin lace patterns.
- We will use Zoom-us as our meeting platform. To take part, download the Zoom app for free. Zoom-App herunter.
- The number of participants is limited to 10.
On site classes
In general
Due to my training at the lace school in Bruges and my thirty years of experience as a lace teacher, my range of different topics is quite rich. I show with pleasure to beginners the first handles and lead advanced up to individual designs suitable for the technique.
Ab 22. September 2022 startet nun endlich wieder Klöppeln in Wickede. Donnerstags zwischen 19:00 und 21:45 Uhr stehe ich Einsteigern und Fortgeschrittenen in meinen Räumlichkeiten in Wickede (Ruhr) mit Rat und Tat zur Verfügung.
- German
- English
- Netherlands
- French
- Spanish
Previous course locations
- in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Finland, Slovenia, Belgium, Spain, USA and Canada
Spanien, USA und Kanada - as weekly courses, weekends or by arrangement.
The workshops and courses take place according to agreement and fee contract. The topics are in my offerings. My current focus topics include "Invisible starts and finishes of bobbin lace" and "Bobbin lace jewellery made from metal threads".Only courses in English are to be seen in the English translated version of this site.
siehe Termine. Folgende Themen stehen in meinen Angeboten. Zu meinen aktuellen Schwerpunktthemen gehören „Unsichtbare Anfänge und Endungen von Klöppelspitzen“ und „geklöppelter Schmuck aus Metallfäden“.
Binche III only in German
Frequently asked questions
You should know the basic stitches of lace making. For this I can recommend the introductory DVD from the bobbin lace net available in the shop for 19.95 euros (only in German) and the follow-up DVD for either the roll or the flat cushion. In it there are also basics in a booklet and you learn what is important. Or you can show me some of your already completed work and I will then decide whether you have all the necessary requirements. Introduction- DVD in German recommend for 19.95 euros in the shop and the follow-up DVD either for the roll or for the flat cushion. In it there are also basics in a booklet and you learn what is important. Or you can show me some of your already completed work and I will then decide if you have all the necessary requirements. In German only
If you are unable to attend the course for health or other reasons, your course duration will only be extended. Personal arrangements with the course director are necessary in this case. See:General Terms and Conditions (GTC) General terms and conditions
For this trining a good cooperation of teacher and student is important.
In general in each time but in prior consultation with the course leader, because of a limited number of students.
I recommend the Torchon technique-course for coming in. You learn a lot of different patterns and basics for straits and finishes.
Do you have further questions?
I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Just use my contact form.